How to Write a Good Blog Post Title

Whether you are into blogging, article writing or email marketing, writing a good title cannot be underestimated. No matter what the purpose of your write up is, writing a good title gets half the job done.

"Title", "headline" or "subject line"...whatever you call it, you must put as much thought into it as you put into writing your article. If you are a blogger, the fate of your blog post depends on the title to a great extent.

So let's consider the importance of a title to a blog post.

The Benefits of Writing a Good Title

  • More Readers
  • Site Credibility
  • More Followers
  • More Traffic
  • Successful Blogging

Types and Styles

I regularly come across various emails and blog posts where the titles are overused cliches:
  • For free traffic this works like crazy!
  • Use Your Traffic to Make Money
  • Some Good News!
  • Don't Know How to Make Money?
  • The #1 Secret Revealed!
Then there are titles that are soft and yet subtle:
  • Your Membership
  • You Would Love This
Some titles are ambiguous:
  • Choose Now! This One or That One!
  • Would You Do This to Your Blog?
Others are straight forward (like the title of this post):
  • How to Write a Good Blog Post
  • Learn to Blog in 3 Minutes
Some of the above mentioned titles are questions while others are exclamatory sentences. Regardless of the type, style and wording of the title, many of these titles are just irresistible, while others make you balk. However, If you are a writer, you must have resorted to these approaches at some time or the other.

So what is the secret (another cliche) of writing a good title?

A Good Title

A good title must have the following ingredients:

1) It must Grab Attention: The least a title must do is to attract the attention of the reader. This is the first step to getting your readers to read your blog post.

2) It must give the Gist: One look at the title, and it should tell the reader what your post is all about.

3) It must be Genuine: A title that seems promising, but slyly leads to a bunch of marketing waffles will immediately result in the reader hitting the "x" button.

4) It must portray Generosity: Your title must have an air of generosity. The reader must get a feeling that he or she is going to gain something. The blog post that follows must share some information and dispense some relevant knowledge that will be helpful to the reader.

5) It must give some Guarantee: A promising title will always make the reader stop over and read the entire article. You must offer solutions that guarantee results, and not just some hype.

The above mentioned guidelines are applicable not only to blog posts but also to email messages, articles, sales letters (let's not look down on marketers), and tweets.

None of us are born bloggers. We are all learning. I remember writing some crappy blog posts with some pathetic titles. We all have been there. However, in my opinion, even if your blog title has three out of the above five elements, you can consider the job well done.

Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

Wild River Guitar said...

Be Controversial and Visitors will make lots of Comments.

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