'there is a war raging within us-The following self confidence building tips will help you in five ways:
a war between what we want to be
and what others want us to be'
1) To rediscover yourself
2) To develop a deep sense of self respect
3) To stop feeling guilty about who you are
4) To express to the world who you truly are
5) To make the right choices in keeping with your character
Redefine Your Self Image
You can’t make everyone happy. If you try to please your friends, partner and family, you may end up getting frustrated. You can’t hold yourself responsible for the way everyone feels about you. So stop defining your self image by what others say, and define it according to what pleases you. Self confidence building begins with being what you want to be, and not what others want you to be.
Redefine your Public Image
Your self image is how you view yourself, but your public image is how you want others to view you. If you build an artificial public image based on the expectations and ideals of others, you will struggle to live up to it. This will lead to unhappiness and low self esteem. Self confidence building involves giving up the artificial image and being real. Show the world what you really are, whether they like it or not.
Know and Develop Your Gift
If you have suppressed any talent so far, it’s time to develop it. It need not be something great and glorious, but something as simple as the art of cartooning or writing. That’s your gift to the world. Use your strengths to excel in your personal and your professional relationships. Your gift can contribute to a great extent in the self confidence building process.
Focus on Your Strengths
Once you are no longer afraid to be real, people will see your weaknesses. That’s OK. Everyone has their weakness. Don’t focus on your weaknesses, but rather focus on your strengths. You will see that your strengths far outweigh your weaknesses, bringing in a positive frame of mind and increasing your self confidence.
Redefine Your Idea of Success
If becoming the President of America meant success for Obama, success could mean something entirely different to you. This does not mean that you must not think big. It just means that you must not compare your definition of success to that of others. Success could mean achieving something that makes you and your loved ones happy. Self confidence building involves redefining what success means to you.
'It does not come naturally.In conclusion, self confidence building has a lot to do with being happy. Also, it does not come naturally. You must make it happen. If you follow the above mentioned tips, you will find yourself being a happy and confident person.
You must make it happen!'
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