The Swine Flu Carnage– Will the Human Race Fight Back?

...when one is under the impression
that “it’s just a flu ‼!”

One nasty little virus, and the world is on its toes, trying to figure out how to keep it at bay. Why not? The H1N1 virus has proved to be a more than a blithering nuisance, proving fatal when one is under the impression that “it’s just a flu ‼!”

Schools have been affected; airports are on red alert, and scientists are losing sleep over a vaccine. Although the H1N1 symptoms mimic those of common influenza, the virus does not delay in striking hard, shutting down the respiratory system, with the other systems to follow.

The good news is that many are responding to treatment and are recovering. However, one thought provokes the mind. Will the H1N1 virus weaken us or make us stronger? Will the human race fight back and be victorious? Beyond a shadow of doubt!
It is here to teach us
an important lesson...

In my opinion, the swine flu will only make us stronger. It is here to teach us an important lesson- not to take a simple thing such as washing our hands for granted.

Keep fighting, humans. It’s just a virus!

- ContentScoop
August 15, 2009

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